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Block Management

What can we do for you?

  • Preparation of an annual budget for service charges
  • Regular billing and collection of service charges, including management fees
  • Provision of a periodic budget report of income, expenditure and cash flow
  • Arrange for the preparation of draft accounts in anticipation of an examination by an independent accountant
  • Preparation of a reserve fund plan relating to cyclical maintenance
  • Weekly/monthly payment of wages and other invoices
  • Arrears collection management
  • Provision of advice on block insurance and any other appropriate cover

Relationship with residents

  • Attend to routine enquiries from lessees and residents
  • Respond to solicitors' and lessees' enquiries regarding assignments and licences
  • Attendance at general meetings of residents
  • Administration of insurance claims

Repair and maintenance management

  • Preparation of a long-term maintenance and repair plan
  • Deal with day to day repairs and maintenance promptly and efficiently
  • Preparation of maintenance plans and contracts for plant and machinery
  • Advise on major contract work and the use of specialist professionals and contractors

Lease Compliance

  • Ensure compliance with the terms of leases and policy agreed with the Board and where necessary, subject to landlord authorisation, instruct solicitors in relation to breaches
  • Represent the landlord at County Court level, arbitration and Leasehold Valuation Tribunals

Staff management

  • Prepare job descriptions for employees and specifications for contractors and go to competitive tender
  • Supervise any employees and regular contractors such as cleaners etc on behalf of the employer
  • Ensure appropriate training and compliance with Health and Safety and employment legislation

Landlord and tenant advice

  • Advise the Board on residential landlord and tenant procedures including statute and practice

Board Support

  • Advise the Board on a suggested management policy
  • Provide a status report of financial, maintenance and legal matters
  • Report on significant lessee communication
  • Document management procedures and issues
  • Produce a periodic newsletter to residents and other circulars
  • Keep Board informed of status of agreed actions
  • Company secretarial work, for example preparation and distribution of the notices for the AGM/EGMs; (NB - not all managing agents will be willing to offer this service)
  • Risk management, fire and health and safety compliance

How long does it take to take over management of a building?

Contracts can be produced and forwarded for signing within 2-3 days. Once these are completed and returned, Empire estates Management is then under contract as your new manager. We would look to take over the formal running of the development on the 1st day of the following month. This allows us time to inform all leaseholders of payment and contact arrangements.

Will Empire Estates Management act as Company Secretary or Director of our Management Company?

Empire estates Management can act as the Company Secretary and nominee Directors (where we would fulfil the legal duties of the role but not make any decisions) if this is required. If you prefer, you may change the registered office of the Company to our Company address so that we are made aware of any filing requirements. We can file annual returns and accounts to Company House as required.

Does Empire Estates Management offer an 'Emergency ONLY Service ' out of normal business hours?

Yes, Empire Estates Management can provide an 'Emergency Only Service'. We provide a 24 hour, 7 day a week service.

How can you convince us that you can offer a quality service at a fair cost?

We do not have the overheads that many of the larger organizations have allowing us to keep our fees to a minimum. Ask us for a free, no obligation quote and compare us to the others.

Can we keep our existing contractors if we are happy with them?
